Breaking Skin Tattoo Aftercare

  • Keep it clean. Use antibacterial soap, lukewarm water, and clean hands to wash it, gently. DO NOT use a washcloth. Wash it at least twice a day. Pat dry. Wait about 15-20 minutes to apply a THIN layer of recommended aftercare such as TT’s Body Balm, Aquatat, or Vitalitree. (We sell these at our shop. Just ask a receptionist on duty!)
  • DO NOT clean it with alcohol, peroxide, astringents, etc.
  • Continue to use your aftercare for 2-3 days, then switch to a fragrance-free lotion such as Aveeno. Too heavy of an application can suffocate the tattoo, cause a rash, increase scabbing, and/or may draw color from your tattoo. Your tattoo needs to breathe in order to heal.
  • Itching is normal. Scratching will pull the ink from your healing tattoo, so gently pat it instead.
  • Scabs and flakes are normal. DO NOT PICK THEM. Let them fall off on their own.
  • For the next two weeks, avoid sunlight, do not soak in the bathtub, so swimming pools, saunas, hot tubs, or chlorine, do not shave over your tattoo and wear loose fitting clothes to allow the tattoo to breathe and to prevent your clothes from rubbing your new tattoo.
  • Average healing time is seven to fourteen days.
  • After it has healed make sure to apply sunscreens and lotions when needed to keep your tattoo vibrant.

These are suggestions to help you heal your new tattoo and are not to be substituted for medical advice. Breaking Skin Tattoo and its artists are not responsible for the healing of your tattoo. Please do not hesitate to call the shop with any questions 740-738-0746